Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Post Holiday Follow Up

Wow is all I can say.  The hubs and I decided that we would take Thanksgiving Day, and only Thanksgiving Day off from our low carb ways and thank goodness we stuck to it!  I loaded my plate with sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, dressing, a roll and maybe 3 small pieces of turkey.  Later that evening and for the next few days I felt like that busted can of biscuits, but for about 2 hours after eating....I felt like that biscuit dough waiting for the can to bust.  Mini Me teased me about the "food baby" I had in my belly because I was so bloated and distended after eating.  It was painful and gross.  Talk about your instant regrets.

We are not a Black Friday kind of family.  I hate the idea of rushing out to beat the crowds...but this year my 14 year old went at 2am with her BFF to see what kind of deals they could find.  She bought breakfast.  Only my kid, after years of having my anti-early shopping mentality ingrained into her could go with another teenage girl to the mall on what promises to be the best shopping day of the year and only buy breakfast. 

We have traditionally gotten out our tree and started decorating the house the day after Thanksgiving.  At ;least, that is the tradition the Hubs and I started when we bought our house 10 years ago.  This year was no different except that I usually get tree up and done and then over the course of the next week get the rest of the house done.  We have bins of Christmas stuff which is separate from my bins of winter stuff.  Usually all the Christmas stuff comes out first then after Santa has visited, we swap out the Claus decor and add in more fat, chubby snowmen (my fav) as well as more snowflakes, etc. 

This year upon waking, I felt so gross I wasn't sure that the tree would even get brought up fro the basement.  It was like a hangover...a food hangover from all the crab loaded dishes eaten the night before.  Now, I will say that of the food we ate, only the couple little dessert things were really all that bad for us.  I mean sweet potatoes=good, green beans=good, but the blueberry cheesecake cupcakes...well, they TASTED very good.  I felt slow and bloated and gross and seriously the only way to describe it was as a food hangover. 

I am embarrassed to admit that due to the grossness I felt for basically the whole weekend, I didn't get in any workouts....but I did average between 14-15K steps everyday, which the Hubs reminded me counts as something.  I mean at least I didn't just veg out after feeling to gross.  So how did I score all the steps?  Multiple trips up and down stairs from the basement to the main floor the the second floor and back.  Mini Me is 6 years old now, and she was excited, well, that isn't even a strong enough word to describe it she was over the moon ecstatic at the idea of decorating.  Over the 3 days remaining in the weekend we got the tree up and fully decorated (all on Friday) and got out ALL of the bins, not just Christmas, but all 6 of the large storage bins and emptied them through the house.  We are one wintry Santa loving house right now, and I must say it has brought my attitude back into a good spot.

I think having her holiday cheer while feeling so out of sorts is what got me back on track and moving back towards my goals.  I am happy to say too that the numbers on the scale didn't go up NEARLY as much as I had thought, they did creep up a bit, but not too bad.  And something the long weekend made me more aware of is how little water I drink when I am at home.  I am GREAT about it at work, but not so much at home which explains the grossness too.  So I got an app for my phone called Daily Water, set some alarms on it, and am working toward a minimum of 80 ounces a day EVERY day.   I am getting my workouts back on schedule now that I am feeling better physically and plan to take Christmas by storm.

The best part of our "day off" is it reinforced how much I don't actually miss eating all those carbs.  I feel better, sleep better, look better without all that added sugar and starch i my diet.  I actually don't have any plans of taking another "day off" for a long time.

How are you doing, post holiday?

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