Thursday, January 9, 2020

a new decade...a new perspective

artwork a la Arden-grade K
Welcome Back! has been a LONG time since the blog was used.  Much like the snowman above, I kind of melted away from my writing and posting to focus on some other areas that needed it at the time...mainly ME!

When I first started writing this blog, back in the days of it being Waits and Measurement(s), it was primarily my way of tracking and being accountable for my health and fitness goals.  I was just one out of a zillion people blogging about the same topic.  Don't get me wrong, if this platform is the best way for people to stay on track and accountable, the I applaud the time and effort they give it.  In an era of social media and the ability to quick post, taking the time to sit and write may fall to the wayside.

There is also the idea of putting your thoughts and words out there in a more meaningful way that comes with blogging that has a certain amount of fear attached to it.  You are opening yourself up to a far more sever kind of judgement, but as opposed to things like Facebook and Instagram, the judgement may be less "viral" on a blog.

I have always enjoyed both reading and writing.  This blog does have a facebook page attached to it, and I will be utilizing both as I can, but this will be a more meaningful way to get my thoughts across.

So, I come back to this space from the same starting point as before, wellness.  What makes it different this time?  I have FINALLY truly realized the importance of overall wellness.  It isn't just about numbers on a scale and what size pants you wear.  To truly embrace wellness you need to see it from all angles...the most poignant being inward.  To start with self care and self love.

Over the years my husband and I have tied all the workouts and diets hoping to find the :"magic solution" that would make us feel and look the way we had hoped to look and feel.  We have done weight watchers, beachbody, biggest loser, Tae Bo, Atkins, name it, we have tried it.  And they each worked great...until they didn't.  After turning 40 and seeing weight creep on and not drop off no matter what I did, I resigned myself to the fact that it was a part of life in a new age bracket.  As other "things" started to happen thought too (brain fog, fatigue, congestion that never went away) I started to again.  No I have done LOTS of research over the years in my own way, trying to piece together ideas of what would maximize my health.  I always come back to gut health and inflammation. After seeing a functional medicine doctor and talking more in depth about hidden inflammation and triggers, the hubs and I started 2019 off on a serious detox program cutting out foods and trying to narrow down triggers.

That was hell.  I won't lie.  If you have never done an in depth elimination diet, count yourself as one of the lucky ones.  It sucks.  BUT it helped me realize how crappy certain carb based foods and sugar made me feel.  This led us to tying the keto diet.  Just over a year later, having had cheat days (weeks) I have found that keto is still what works best for me at this point in m,y life.  I am not saying it's the ultimate answer, but for works.

Keto led me to the one of the biggest break ups of my life.  Diet soda.  I bid farewell to my beloved fizzy goodness in May and haven't looked back.  This was HUGE.  If you have read my blog in the past you know that this is a struggle I honestly never thought I would win.

Outside of finding a new way to eat to make me feel better, like actually begin able to tell that my body was not in a constant state of inflammation, I also stepped away from "box video" workouts.  This was another huge one.  I started watching tutorials that my hubby shared on how to use certain machines and free weights at the gym (I had a real fear factor of these) and am finding a harmonious balance between those and my beloved running.

I also added grad school to my plate last year.  This has been such a rewarding experience.  I feel more confidant in the classes I am teaching and reconnecting to what made me love theatre to begin with.

So that is kind of 2019 in a nutshell, an overview if you will.  Because I am human, the holidays have gotten me off track with my food, and I can feel it, but I am working to get back on track.  I am focused on how good I felt when I cut out the garbage that brought on the sleepiness and pain.  I am starting to really love some of the strength workouts that I am creating for myself to work the areas I want to improve and seeing how it helps me in other areas of life.

What does 2020 look like for me?  Progress.  It is moving forward and continuing to make myself a priority.  I have started reading again for the love of reading (not just my textbooks for class) and have joined a book club.  I am reconnecting in more meaningful ways with friends, and maximizing every moment with my family.

What do you have on deck for the new decade?

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