Friday, January 8, 2016


Oh those crazy holidays.  I tell ya what, they get ya don't they.  Well, at least it feels like they do some what...but looking back on it, I actually wasn't too bad.  I mean, we ate some, didn't even count net carbs, just chilled and enjoyed food...but when I took inventory I didn't do NEARLY as bad as I thought I did.  PLUS I may not of been hitting the gym or working out with a DVD the way I had been, but I was still getting my steps in.  So, bonus.

This year, we all had two weeks off together.  Two weeks of sleeping in, family game nights, little excursions, holiday parties, and just spending days on end in jammies.  I had big plans to blog, but then decided to even break some from technology.  I mean, I updated my facebook page some, but never sat down more than 3-5 minutes at a time...and lets be honest, that is NOT enough time to write a legit blog post. 

So the holidays, in a nutshell, were awesome!  Santa spoiled the girls rotten (as did the parents, grandparents, uncle, and cousins).  We got to see friends fro out of town, friends from years back, spend lots of together was EXACTLY what a break should be.  Family!

We set some goals for the new year together and have already started working towards them.  I am going to aim for a 10K this year, my big girl really wants to improve her fitness score at soccer, so I am working on her to do a 5K with me early in the summer (it has a Princess Dash for Mini Me so should be perfect for all the girls in our house-oh, hubs isn't invited except to cheer because its an all female race), Mini Me is attempting swim lessons again, hubs has agreed to go to the gym with us on steps.  I will take them.  I am also working diligently on getting in AT LEAST 3 workouts a week.  With my eating back on track, I want to see some REAL results.  We are going back t the beach this summer...I want to feel comfortable enough with my body to buy a bathing suit that does NOT have a skirted bottom. 

I have also started a 30 day Thigh Slimming Challenge, I found on Pinterest.

I KNOW my girl Jessica over at The Journey, is not a fan of some of the challenges....but I am hoping to get her blessing on these.  I want to try one each month that is fitness related, and I have found a few non-fitness ones that I am going to throw in there too. 

I am also participating this month in a yoga pose of the day challenge with my friends at Fit Approach.  I am SO happy and blessed to be able to be a #sweatpink ambassador and work with such an amazing group!  So far we have hit tree pose and wheel.  Check my facebook page, instagram page or twitter for updates on THAT fun! 

Oh and in the next few weeks...keep coming back to check in on a giveaway! 

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